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The CRJ Foundation

Thrive. Grow. Fulfill. Make a Lasting Gift Today.

For answers to your estate and gift planning questions, please contact Michael Kancher, Executive Director of the Congregation of Reform Judaism, at (407) 645-0444 or


A bequest is a simple way to make a lasting gift to the CRJ Foundation. You can provide now for a future gift to the CRJ Foundation by including a bequest provision in your will or revocable living trust. When making a bequest, you do not part with any funds immediately – yet when your gift is received, it is instantly helping to ensure that the CRJ Foundation will continue to thrive and grow, fulfilling our commitment to supporting the mission and vision of The Congregation of Reform Judaism and working to ensure the success of CRJ in the years ahead.

In response to requests for our full legal title and sample bequest language, we offer the following examples:


The CRJ Foundation receives a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the estate.

“I hereby give to the CRJ Foundation, Inc. located in Orlando, Florida, the sum of _____ dollars (or ______% of the total value of my estate).”


The CRJ Foundation receives a specific item of real or personal property, or specific stock holdings.

“I hereby give to the CRJ Foundation, Inc. located in Orlando, Florida, (insert description of item here).”


The CRJ Foundation receives all or a portion of the remainder of an estate, after all debts, taxes, expenses, and other gifts have been paid.

“I hereby give to the CRJ Foundation, Inc. located in Orlando, Florida, all (or ______%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.”


If circumstances make it impossible to carry out your primary provisions (as when a spouse or other heirs do not survive you), a contingent bequest ensures that property passes to the CRJ Foundation rather than to unintended beneficiaries (such as government entities).

“If any of the above-named beneficiaries should predecease me, I hereby give his or her share of my estate to the CRJ Foundation, Inc. located in Orlando, Florida.”

Note: If you wish to make your gift for a specific purpose or program, please speak with Michael Kancher, Ian Robinson, or Susan McKenna to ensure that your wishes can be carried out as you would like.

If you are considering including the CRJ Foundation in your will, we recommend you discuss your options with your advisors.

The CRJ Foundation, Inc. Tax I.D. # is 45-2633857 is a public charity and tax exempt organization under Federal Code section 501 (c) (3).

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Sh'vat 5785