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B'nai Mitzvah

Welcome to the Congregation of Reform Judaism's B’nai Mitzvah Resource Page
Goals and objectives of the Program
  • To provide a meaningful Jewish experience for the B'nai Mitzvah candidate and their family.
  • To enable the B'nai Mitzvah candidate to achieve a basic working knowledge of Jewish prayer and Torah reading. Fun fact: The Hebrew word for prayer is T'filah, which is part of the title of the prayer book we use!
  • To build a life-long relationship with every individual through care and compassion, and to aid in self discovery and expression.
  • To be a guiding light during the B'nai Mitzvah candidate's transition from childhood to adulthood by creating a safe and supportive environment that encourages continued participation at CRJ and in Jewish life after the ceremony.
Please note that if your child would like to become B'nai Mitzvah at CRJ, they are required to attend JEEP through 6th grade and Making Mitzvot once in 7th Grade. Part of becoming B'nai Mitzvah at CRJ is committing to CRJ's family and community, and with that, comes personal growth and the development of Jewish identity. JEEP and Making Mitzvot are both important educational and social experiences that are necessary to be ready for this Jewish milestone. We also want you and your family to feel that CRJ is your spiritual home, that you belong at CRJ, and that CRJ will be there for you and your family.
  1. Attendance at JEEP is crucial every year, but especially during your child's 6th grade year, not only for educational purposes, but also for community building purposes. Ideally, your 6th grader should be attending every Sunday when JEEP is in session; however, if they do not make it to at least 10 Sunday sessions from now until the last day of JEEP, their Bar/Bat Mitzvah date will be at risk. Attending the weekly 30-minute Hebrew sessions does not make up for missed Sunday sessions.
  2. It is very important that ALL 6th graders are present for the 6th Grade Shabbat Service. They will learn and lead the prayers that they will do at their own B'nai Mitzvah services.
  3. Attendance at "Making Mitzvot" is critical during their 7th Grade year, so please keep this in mind when planning your child's weekly schedule for their 7th grade year.
We do understand that things come up that will cause your child to miss JEEP, which is reasonable if on occasion. We also realize that Sundays are times to spend with family/friends or do other activities that can't be done during the week. Nevertheless, we ask that you make JEEP a top priority for your child's 6th grade year, and Making Mitzvot a top priority for your child's 7th grade year, in order to give them the best Jewish education and experience(s) possible.
Questions about the preparation process or the service? Please email Rabbi Rachael Jackson at
Questions about logistics or administration? Please email Michael Kancher at
For non-member: If you have a child who is within three years of B'nai Mitzvah age (13 years), but has no Religious School experience, CRJ requires that you and your child become members of—and get involved at—CRJ for two years before a B'nai Mitzvah date can be selected.
Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785