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CRJ Sisterhood Gift Shop Sale!

Scroll through the images below to choose your next Judaica gift for yourself or a loved one. 

Categories Below:
Purim  |   Passover  | Shabbat  |  Children's Judaica  |  Jewelry   |   Hanukkah  |   Rosh Hashanah

Gift Shop manager, Ellen Snyder will contact you via email/phone when your item is ready for pickup at CRJ (usually about 24 hours).  If you have a question about an item or a rush order, please contact Ellen at 
Candlesticks on Left No longer available!
Candlesticks on Left No longer available!
   Tapered multi-color candles $3.50/box
   Regular size candles (blue box) $1/box
   Hand dipped tapered candles from Safed Israel $13/box 

Piano Dreidel no longer available
   Menorah Snowglobe $6
   Dreidel Snowglobe $6
   Small Wooden Dreidel $1
   Large Wooden Dreidel $2
Tue, February 11 2025 13 Sh'vat 5785